Sunday, August 17, 2014

Campo Grande Week 15

July 7, 2014

Mother! Life has been a whirl wind lately. This week we went to work, we get home and I am completely exhausted, every day. Which is rad. 
This email really isn´t one to share with everyone. I am having a bit of a moment with my testimony. I just am a bit frustrated ya know? I have been praying, studying, and really trying to recognize the spirit but I just feel like I haven´t had a strong confirmation in a long time. Don´t get me wrong my testimony is rooted deep and I feel strong and motivated to continue in this great work. But, is it wrong to want to take my testimony to the next level? I want an answer that is definite and clear. I know that I have had strong spiritual experiences, and my testimony of Jesus Christ is incredibly real. BUT I want to truly truly truly KNOW! Be converted to the CHURCH of Jesus Christ. I want to feel the spirit when I am reading. I want a little refresher. I want to really know. can that happen? I would love some real experience. Be real with me and give me a little council.
I love you very much.

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